Chambers Thesaurus 5th edition 2015
Student’s Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms
Bookbaby 2014
Most thesauruses or dictionaries of synonyms are not as helpful as they might first appear: to read a list of synonyms for a certain word is helpful only as far as it goes. This dictionary, however, goes beyond a mere listing of words with a similar meaning and helps distinguish them. The differences between similar words are shown by giving each one a definition and an example.
English-Estonian Synonyms and Antonyms Dictionary
TEA, 2012
English-Chinese Learner’s Thesaurus
Commercial Press, 2009
Polish Learner’s Dictionary of English Synonyms
Egis, 2007
Wordsworth Thesaurus (Co-author with Steve Curtis)
Wordsworth, 2006
Do you know the difference between ‘cackle’ and ‘chortle’? This dictionary adopts a fresh approach by going beyond the mere listing of words as in an ordinary thesaurus. Differences between similar words are highlighted with definitions and example sentences to show the various shades of meaning so that you will never be at a loss for the right word on the right occasion.
Chambers English Thesaurus
Chambers, 2004
“Here gathered are centuries of knowledge and contemplation.”
Available from Chambers
Glasgow Herald
Pocket Thesaurus (Co-editor with Rosalind Fergusson and David Pickering)
Penguin, 2004
Synonyms and Antonyms
Chambers, 2004
Available from Chambers
Chambers Pocket Thesaurus
Chambers, 2002
Available from Chambers
Concise Thesaurus (Co-editor with Rosalind Fergusson and David Pickering)
Penguin, 2002
The New Penguin Thesaurus in A (Co-editor with Rosalind Fergusson and David Pickering)
Penguin, 2000
“An invaluable source of advice and suggestions for when you cannot remember a word or that crossword just won’t behave!” Good Book Guide
The Wordsworth Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms
Wordsworth, 1998
Chambers Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms
Chambers, Paperback 1989, Hardback 1990
“This is a gem of a dictionary. So you think this book is fascinating? It could also be absorbing, captivating, delightful, riveting, spellbinding… Based on Chambers Thesaurus, it is arranged alphabetically, so is easy to use, Useful for anyone who is ever at a loss for just the right word.” Good Book Guide