Copy writing service
How it works
I offer a copy-writing service to companies and organizations. The best way to undertake this is if we make an appointment for me to come to your offices so that I can find out what your aims are by listening to your requirements. I can write up marketing copy or edit the basic material you supply. I can also edit your website to make sure it gives the message you want it to. Such work is paid for at an agreed rate. Clients I have undertaken this work for include accountants and insurance/investment firms and companies working in office design and business solutions.
Editing service
You may have written your text but you’re not happy with it. Does it really say what you want it to? Or you have translated it (or had it translated) and you’re unsure whether it’s written in natural English. Typical mistakes of texts I come across are: wandering for wondering; pop-in for pop in; its for it’s and your for you’re. That’s where I can help with my editing service.
How it works
You email me your document (Word or text format is best), we agree a fee and timing, and I edit your document for you to make sure it communicates what you want. I’ll return it to you by email as soon as possible.
Let me sharpen your texts and correct any poor grammar, usage or punctuation. Allow me to edit your documents for you.
Contact us for further details.